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All our products are built with the key theme  "Keep it Simple". We strive to remove user challenges by simplifying processes and deliver business processes as a service. Our products are built on S/4 HANA and Business Technology Platform. We do not just build apps but we deliver end to end business processes.


Clean as You Use (CAYU)

Going back to the basics! You must understand the basics of the material master and build a solid foundation before you start to build the capability. Based on our industry experience, going to the basics of attributes to understand the materials and enrich data is the only solution to fix and keep material data. Once it is fixed can we sustain it? We bring CAYU (Clean As You Use) for assistance. It is an AI driven model trained on more than 10 million tokens to keep your data clean. As you use more it gets cleaner.


Simple Warehouse Management

SAP offers warehouse management solution and extended warehouse management in S/4 HANA so What is new? Oil & Gas warehouse operations are different from any other industry like distribution, consumer packaged goods, manufacturing. How so? It is like the phrase “Using a hammer to kill an ant”. Warehouse operations require simpler solutions to deal with day to day activities. We have made it simple using standard SAP WM. Read our article on “Stock room management and EWM”.


SKU Optimization

Is planning an Art or a Science? this is a very thought-provoking question. Why is this so important when it comes to managing SKUs in warehouses? It is what CFO’s are concerned to reduce working capital. To balance supply and demand, planning is extremely critical but planning without taking all relevant parameters will lead to catastrophic financial impacts. We have built a pipeline to optimize SKUs using real-time data points while users are transacting in SAP and enable planners to bring art and science together to make better decisions.


External Service Management

Will this process ever be done right in SAP for Oil & Gas? Numerous challenges exist in terms of managing external service’s source to pay cycle. Starting from rate sheets, contract definitions, requisitions, purchase orders, receipts, payables, and when we have multiple contracting strategies specific to services. We established a service that would enable suppliers to communicate with customers without going through a technology burden.

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